This morning, I saw the trailer for a new documentary on the John Muir Trail, “Mile…Mile and a Half.” It looks like it will be worth a look when it comes out, and I hope I’m able to see it on the big screen.
In 2010, a friend and I hiked approximately the last 1/3 of the JMT, from Devil’s Postpile National Monument to Yosemite Valley. The scenery is spectacular, showcasing some of the finest peaks in the High Sierra. Of course, we passed the classic views of the Ritter Range, like Banner Peak, as well as the outstanding Yosemite high country. The Cathedral Range in Yosemite was among my favorite scenery of the whole trip–the rugged Echo Peaks and Mathes Crest are beautiful.
Our plan was to hike the rest of the JMT, but my friend’s bad knee has pretty much taken him out of the game. I am now thinking of ways to complete the trail, possibly even by doing it from the beginning in classic through-hike fashion. There’s something really special about getting in rhythm with the mountain range, and creating your own adventure.
Check out the trailer, which I’ve embedded below. Hopefully it inspires you to find your own adventure.
MILE…MILE & A HALF (trailer) from The Muir Project on Vimeo.